Nature and temperature of ore-forming fluids at Toyoha mine in the light of fluid inclusions in quartz porphyry.
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Fluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts of quartz porphyry, quartz veinlets cutting quartz porphyry, and quartz and sphalerite in ores, were studied by the heating-stage and freezing-stage methods. Polyphase fluid inclusions carrying transparent cubic crystals were especially found in samples from deeper places. Liquid inclusions were found in most samples. Filling temperature of liquid inclusions was in the range of 200°C and 300°C, and the salinity varied from 20 weight percent to 1 percent. Gaseous inclusions were mainly found in shallower places with some polyphase inclusions suggesting the "boiling" of ore-forming fluids. Generally speaking, the temperature and salinity of ore-forming fluids at the Toyoha mine, Hokkaido, decreased from earlier to later stages and from deeper to shallower places.
- 資源地質学会の論文
資源地質学会 | 論文
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