Change in plasma concentrations of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones during one day in hens.
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In birds as well as mammals, luteinizing hormone (LH) induces ovulation and stimulates the production of progesterone (P4) in granulosa cells of follicles, while follicle-stimiulating hormone (FSH) promotes the growth of follicles. The ovulatory cycle in hens has a duration of about one day. The profile of LH release but not FSH release during one day including the ovulatory cycle is known. Therefore, in the present experiments, blood samples by the cunnulation method were collected at 2hr intervals during ovulatory and nonovulatory days in henskept under 14hr light (0500 to 1900hr) per day, and LH, FSH and P4 in the plasma were measured by RIA. Also, the largest (Fl) and second largest preovulatory follicles (F2) were weighted at various times during ovulatory and nonovulatorydays.On a nonovulatory day, the plasma LH concentration was significantly high at 2100hr, while the FSH concentration in the plasma showed a significantly high level at 1300 and 1500hr. The plasma P4 concentration, with no relation to ovulatory and non-ovulatory days, exhibited the high values in the dark period. Also, on an ovulatory day, the plasma FSH concentration was a significantly high at 1300 and 1500hr, coresponding to 17-18hr before ovulation. In addition, the weights of Fl and F2 on both ovulatory and nonovulatory days, increased gradually from 1500hr after the FSH release to 0100hr.The present results indicate that not only LH but also FSH is increased in the release early time in the dark period and late in the light period, respectively, with no relation to ovulation.
- 日本家禽学会の論文
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