Two-dimensional electrophoresis of serum proteins of llama, Lama glama, alpaco, Lama pacos and a hybrid (llamahnanaco) of llama and guanaco, Lama guanicoe.
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Serum proteins of South American camelids (llama, alpaca and llamahnanaco) were identified and analyzed by microscale multisample two-dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis and immunoblotting. And then, the two-dimensional identification maps were first prepared as basic data to examine the physiological and clinico-chemical informations occurring in serum proteins. The results obtained are as follows: 1) Two-dimensional identification maps of serum proteins of the llama, alpaca and llamahnanaco were obtained in this study. 2) Serum proteins of llama, alpaca and llamahnanaco were respectively separated into 80, 83 and 78 protein spots by the 2-D electrophoresis. Serum proteins identified by immunoblotting and biochemical techniques were the following 23 components; IgM, IgG, FN, ATIII, α2M, C9, C5, C1q, C3a, C2s, BF, Cho-Es, Es, Pmg, C5, α1AT, Hp, Cp, Hpx, α1Mi, Tf, Gc and Al. 3) Unidentified three spot components ((1), (2) and (3)) detected on the separating area between Hp and Tf components are thought to be serum components to peculiar South American camelids. Functional heterogeneities caused by binding with Hb components were also observed in the Hp component. 4) Biochemical variants of Gc components were detected by the 2-D electrophoresis. The gene frequencies of A, B and C allels were 0.525, 0.050 and 0.425, respectively, in 20 South American camelids.
- 日本電気泳動学会の論文
日本電気泳動学会 | 論文
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