Investigation of the Evoked Electromyogram by the Magnetic Brain Stimulation.
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In order to evaluate the clinical availability of the magnetic brain stimulation, the evoked electromyogram motor (Motor Evoked Potentials) by the stimulation was recorded at the abductor pollicis brevis of twelve healthy adults. It was found on recording MEP that the amplitude became larger and the latency became shorter with increasing intensity of the stimulus, which suggested that stronger stimulus may work wider and deeper. There was no significant correlation between CMCT and body height. MEP was found to become higher by voluntary contraction of both the abductor and antagonistic muscles of thumb. Stimulative points on the brain which can induce MEP at the measured muscle varied widely, appearing mainly on F3, Fz, C3, and Cz.
- 理学療法科学学会の論文
理学療法科学学会 | 論文
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