Harvest Systems, Working Performances, and Coverage on Various Chinese Yam Diggers.
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Diggers of the backhoe type, the trencher type, and the plow type have been mainly used to harvest Chinese yams until now. Recently, diggers that can continuously dig the tubers have been developed and the farmers are using them. The harvest system, working capacity, operating accuracies, cost and the coverage of the three diggers (A, S, T) that had been developed in recent years were compared with the conventional type (K).1) Much labor is necessary, when the working capacity of digger is generally high.2) The working capacities for diggers A, K, S, T are respectively 0.58, 0.22, 0.38, 0.37ha/h and the worker-hour per hectare is 208 for A, 210 for S, 219 for T, and 278-323 worker-hours per hectare for K.3) There were no tubers damaged by a mechanical cause in any digger though there were tubers damaged by the labor. The ratio of undamaged tubers was more than 98% for each digger.4) Coverage that can be harvested for yams during the harvest season is 4ha for A, 1.5ha for K, and 2.5ha for S and T. The costs per hectare are 556, 000, 1, 113, 000-1, 173, 000, 687, 000, and 699, 000 yen respectively. The profitable minimum working areas are the range of 0.49-0.56ha for each machine.Digger A is suitable for use by a large scale farmer and K is suitable for use by a small scale farmer because it can be used by a few people. In addition, S and T are suitable for use by a middle scale farmer.
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