Wholesale Harvest of Vegetable Jute (Corchorus Olitorius L.) as a Labor-saving Measure.
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To reduce the amount of labor needed to harvest vegetable jute (Corchorus olitorius L.), wholesale harvest with dense planting was examined. In this harvest method, the cutting position was fixed on a horizontal plane. Workers could use scissors at a constant height to minimize movement. As a result, by transplanting at a density of 119 plants per square meter, the marketable yield was reduced by 12%, the required time for harvest was reduced by 63%, and the marketable yield per working hour increased by 140% when compared with the values obtained by a conventional multiple harvest. By direct sowing at a density of 135 plants per square meter, the marketable yield was reduced by 28%, the required time for harvest was reduced by 87%, and the yield per working hour was increased by 442% of the values obtained by a conventional multiple harvest. Harvested leaves were soft and showed a high-quality color.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
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