Cherry Harvesting by Shaking Small Branches. Use of Japanese Apricot Shakers.:Use of Japanese Apricot Shakers
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We conducted a study on harvesting cherry fruits by shaking small branches of cherry trees using commercial Japanese apricot shakers. Main results obtained are as follows.1) Single cherry fruits of 'Nanyou' can be harvested from spurs within 5 seconds by shaking at a stroke length of 2, 4 or 6cm with frequency of about 900, 400 or 300cpm respectively. Larger stroke length did not cause stemless fruits. Shaking spurs with multiple fruits and leaves tended to induce more stemless fruits compared to shaking spurs with a single fruit.2) Percentage of fruits removed from slender branches with many fruits per branch length was low.3) Shakers with stroke lengths of 36 and 40mm did not remove fruits sufficiently and induced many stemless fruits. In field operation, stroke length of 70mm and frequency over 600cpm to the spur would be required to obtain higher harvest percentage of stemed fruits.4) The induced stroke length of branch at the hook was somewhat smaller than the set stroke length of the hook, because the boom vibrated itself owing to its small mass.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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