On the Mechanized Work System in Large-Scale Conversion of Adjoining Paddy Fields:An Example of Yoneyama, Miyage
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In present-day Japan, farmers are faced with ever-decreasing production quotas set by the government on how much rice they may grow. It's very important for farmers to find out how to compensate for a decrease in income caused by government controls of rice production. One way to solve this problem is by establishing a compound production system operated by agricultural producers' organizations, thereby increasing the utilization rate of converted paddy fields, and cutting down production costs.In order to analyze the management effects of this system, we have compiled data on the Rokken-Yashiki High Efficiency Cooperative Organization of Machinery Work (R organization), which is the pioneer of agricultural producers' organizations in Yoneyama, Miyagi Prefecture. The data covers the depreciation and production costs for 10a of rice growing in 1985. The results are as follows:1) The depreciation costs of agricultural machinery and facilities in R organization (whose total cultivatable land per member is about 5.5 times larger than Miyagi's average) were only 25.6% of the average costs for Miyagi Prefecture. As a result, the production costs were reduced to 50.5% of the average production costs in Miyagi Prefecture.2) When R organization limited its cultivation to rice growing only, the depreciation and production costs were reduced to 59.3% and 86.6% respectively of the previous average costs.3) When we compared the cost to R organization of compound production by operating only their own machinery and facilities, the depreciation and production costs were reduced to 88.8% and 97.2% respectively of previous average costs.Additional refinements and innovations in mechanized work are expected to further improve the production costs, yield and working hours.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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