Development of high technological working system for precision side-dressing applications. II. Application to spring and autumn-sown Chinese cabbage and the application limit.:II. Application to spring and autumn-sown chinese cabbage and the application l
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1) The effect of the side-dressing application toward the crop growth and yield was discussed when side-dressing to direct sown chinese cabbage was applied by accurately controlling amount of fertilizer distribution according to the individual crop growth condition at the course of growth.2) In case of spring-sown cropping, the more difference among the applied amount of fertilizer distribution there was, the less difference among the yield (total fresh crop weight and eatable fresh crop weight) there was when giving the larger canopy crop less fertilizer and the smaller canopy crop much fertilizer. The uniform product possibility would be able to resulted by the fertilizer correction treatment. However, the existance of limitation that the yield difference among the each crop fertilizer distribution was estimated.3) In automn-sown cropping, the effect of side-dressing to the crop growth was not clear on the stage of 20 days passed after fertilizer application. Moreover, the response of the total fresh crop weight at the harvest time is quicker than that of the eatable fresh crop weight in case of spring-sown cropping. It will be effective for increasing the crop yield to apply the immediate response fertilizer at the course of growth.4) New model substituted by a cubic expression is proposed to express fertilizing function of fertilizer correction treatment.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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