- 論文の詳細を見る
Investigation was performed on the effect of heparin on thrombin-fibrinogen interaction, and participation of the cofactor in action of heparin as an anticoagulant. At the asme time, basic studies on the action of antithrombin in plasma or serum were also carried out. The results obtained were as follows : <BR>1. When 0.1ml of thrombin solution, ranging in concentration from 0.8mg/ml to 2.0mg/ml, was added to 0.1ml of 15mg/ml purified fibrinogen solution, cogulation time of the latter was inversely proportional with the concentration of thrombin.<BR>2. An addition of the commercial heparin solution to thrombin fibrinogen reaction system in vitro resulted in a prolongation of clotting time of the mixture in proportion with heparin added. This anticoagulative effect was observed immediately after addition of heparin. Preincubation of heparin with fibrinogen at37°C resulted in a remarkableenhancement of the antithrombin activity of heparin, although no enhancent was observed following incubation of heparin with thrombin.<BR>3. Two dimensional paperchromatographic studies on thrombinheparin or fibrinogenheparin mixture revealed that a free metachromatic spot of heparin was observed in the case of the mixture containing 600γ of thrombin and 25γ of heparin, although in the case of the mixture of 600γ of fibrinogen and 100γ of heparin no free spot of heparin was seen.<BR>4. Antithrombic activity of α-globulin fraction was higher as compared with that in the other fractions of normal human serum.<BR>5. Antithrombin activity of both plasma and serum was increased proportionally to the increaing concentration of heparin added in vitro. This effect of heparin odserved immediately after the additton, however, was not so remarkable in the case of serum as in the case of plasma. Plasma antithrombic activity was remarkably increased following incubation with heparinat 37°C, although in the case of serum no increase was seen following the incubation.<BR>6. Administration of a small amount of heparin to normal person resulted in a transient remarkable rise in the total plasma antithrombin activity. In this case, increase in serum antithrombin activity was not so remarkable.<BR>7. Discussion was made on the basis of these experimental results.
- 北関東医学会の論文
北関東医学会 | 論文
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