Shoulder subluxation in stroke patients. Possibility of postural reduction.:Possibility of Postural Reduction
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We evaluated X-ray findings of the shoulder joints of 46 hemiplegic patients to elucidate the postural reduction of the shoulder subluxation on standing. The acromio-humeral interval (AHI) measured in X-ray photographs was 8.3mm±1.5mm on the non-paralytic side and 16.4mm±8.3mm on the paralytic side. If an AHI of more than 13mm in a X-ray photograph meant a shoulder subluxation, 56.5% of the hemiplegic patients we evaluated in this study had shoulder subluxations. AHIs of hemiplegic patients in Brunn-strom's stage I-III decreased on the paralytic side when the patients stood up, and the postural reduction of the shoulder subluxation was statistically significant, especially in the Brunnstrom's stage II patients. We, therefore, concluded that the shoulder subluxation may be reduced by standing, walking, and other daily activities because of the increased muscle tonus around the shoulder joint and the associate and synergic movements of the upper extremity.
- 社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会の論文
社団法人 日本リハビリテーション医学会 | 論文
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