Remedial Effects of Electrical Stimulation upon the Experimental Psychoses in the Rats Induced by Chronic Administration of Methamphetamine:The Effects of the Self-Stimulation Technique and ECS Procedure
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A motor excitement is caused by the acute effect of Methamphetamine hydrochloride (philopon, MA-HCl), a typical psychic stimulant. But it is reported that the chronic administration of MA-HCl has a marked effect to produce a long-lasting decrease of spontaneous activity, some perpetual reduction of responsiveness to stimuli, as well as declined emotion and volition and the manic-depressive state (29, 34).<BR>On the other hand, it is known that animals stimulate their own brains through bipolar electrode implanted chronically in the hypothalamus and telencephalon at the very high rates for many hours to exhaustion and show no intrinsic satiation tendencies.<BR>Then we come to the question as to whether or not electrical positive rewards by the technique of self-stimulation have an effect that regains the responsive tendencies reduced to abulia and any remedial values upon abulia produced by the chronic administration of MA-HCl.<BR>EXPERIMENT I <BR>The purpose of the present experiment is to study how to change the level of responsiveness to receive intracranial electrical positive rewards when rats are under the state of inactivity produced by the chronic administration of MA-HCl.<BR>Methods : Out of 30 male albino rats performing constant rate of self-stimulation, were selected five rats, weighing about 250 gm., with implantation of a bipolar silver electrode in the medial part of anterior hypothalamus. A circuit was arranged so that the rat could stimulate its own brain with a sine wave current of 60 cycles for 1/2 sec. per one response by pressing a lever. Animals were injected subcutaneously a 6 mg (dissolved by 2 cc saline) /kg of MA-HCl once everyday for 35 days. They were allowed to press the lever 150, times each day but not for over a period of 18 minutes every fifth day before, . during and after the period of MA-HCl administration and the extinction testing of it was given for ten minutes twice each period. During the period of drug injection, self-stimulation was observed starting 90 minutes after the administration of the drug. After completion of the experiments, animals were sacrificed and their brains sectioned and examined microscopically to determine the exact location of the electrode tips.<BR>Results and discussion : At the beginning of the experiment, the suitable voltages of electrical self-stimulation were adjusted not to induce excessive excitement ; 1.5 v. for the rat A and B, 2.0 v..for the rat C and 2.5 v. for the rat D and E. From the fifteenth day of the injection period, however, almost all the rats showed the excessive excitements ; stupors, tetanic spasms and convulsive fits. To eliminate them the levels of voltage had to be decreased to 1.0 v. for the rats A and C and 0.5 v. for the rat B but not for the rats D and E. Though all the convulsions did not disappear, rats began to press the lever invariably after crouchings and convulsions which caused the decrease of the response rate as well as the increase of its oscillation as shown in Fig. 1 & 2. During and after the period of medication, resistance to extinction showed about one and half times higher rates of responding than before the period of injection. Response level does not fall off below the original level after the cessation of long term injection as shown in Fig. 1 & 2. Hypothalamic stimulations are interpreted to be effective to maintain the original level in responsiveness.<BR>EXPERIMENT II<BR>The response rate of self-stimulation never decreases even after chronic medication with methamphetamine as shown in the experiment 1. An electroconvulsive shock (ECS), on the other hand, is known to be therapeutically useful to a wide range of psychoses. Then we have a question whether or not ECS is also effective to increase responsiveness and activity. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the effect of ECS upon the activity which is under the condition of abulia produced by chronic administration of MA-HCl.
- 日本動物心理学会の論文
日本動物心理学会 | 論文
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