A Study of the different Copies of the Ryosho (_??__??_):On the formation of the Ryosho
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The Ryosho is the commentary of the Ryo-no-gige (_??__??__??_) by Kanera Ichijo (_??__??__??__??_, 1402-81), one of the greatest scholars in the Middle Ages. It was the oldest commentary of the Ryo (_??_) except for the Ryo-no-gige and the Ryo-no-shuge (_??__??__??_), and took the lead among the studies of the Ritsuryo (_??__??_) in the Edo era, moreover, was made by a nobleman of the first class who actually lived in the Kuge law (_??__??__??_) into which the Ritsuryo law changed. When we recognize the abovementioned facts, we can safely say that the Ryosho is valuable for the study of the legal history.<BR>Up to now, we have found the Ryosho published only in the Gunsho-ruiju (_??__??__??__??_) series. But there are different copies of the Ryosho handed down as manuscripts. They have some postscripts, some chapters and the epilogue which do not exist in the Ryosho in the Gunsyo-ruiju series.<BR>As a result of examination of these different copies, we reason the process of the formation of the Ryosho as shown under.<BR>The Ryosho was not described by Kanera himself, but was written down by his son Genpo (_??__??_) who listened to Kanera's lecture in Bummei (_??__??_) 8 (1476), and later to it were added some postscripts and some chapters by Fuyura (_??__??_) who also was Kanera's son and also listened to his lecture. Thus the Ryosho was accomplished. Besides, Fuyura probably described the Ryo-no-kikigaki (_??__??__??_) which was based on the Ryosho.<BR>We must come to the conclusion that the Ryosho in the Gunsho-ruiju was arranged by Hokiichi Hanawa (_??__??__??__??_), that is, he boldly cut postscripts and some chapters off the Ryosho, or he revised an incomplete manuscript.
- 法制史学会の論文
法制史学会 | 論文
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