Salt Law of the Kinkaku (_??__??_) on the Huai-an-Lu (_??__??__??_) in the Northern Sung Dynasty
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In the period of the northern Sung dynasty, the production of salt in Huai-nan-Lu reached the highest level, and a large amount of salt interest was the resources of the country. In the early Sung dynasty, there was already the monopoly system of it.<BR>Under the monopoly system the direct producer was apportioned his own liability, and as the reward, he was given <I>Pen-chien</I> (_??__??_) by the government. But the amount received was so small that they could only maintain the lowest standard of life.<BR>The government monopolized the salt interest under this system. It was shown by the fact that the selling price by the government was ten times higher as compared with the buying price from the direct producer.<BR>We find here the reason that the benefit of <I>Pen-chien</I> (_??__??_) was small.<BR>In addition to these circumstances, the issue of <I>Mo-ku-chao</I> (_??__??__??_) caused divestment of salt interest by the commercial capitalists.<BR>This was a heavier burden to the direct producer. As a result, the life of the direct producer was very hard.
- 法制史学会の論文
法制史学会 | 論文
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