Simulation Analysis of the Gold-quartz Vein Systems in the Kushikino Mine Area, Southern Kyushu, Japan
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A computer simulation analysis was carried out on the gold-quartz vein system of the Kushikino ore deposits in order to understand the formation mechanism. The results indicate that uplifting of the basement at eastsoutheast part of the arbitrary set-up tectonic system gives rise to the observed vein system. This uplifting portion coincides with high gravimetric anomaly. Thus, the anomaly would have been caused by uplifting of the basement, which may have been possibly due to intrusion of igneous body.<BR>Most of gold-quartz vein deposits in the northern Kagoshima region (the Hokusatsu region) occur around the high gravimetric anomaly. This fact implies that the pushing-up force here emphasized is indispensable for the formation of the ore deposits. This kind of analysis would provide practical information for fractured areas around the anomaly, thus useful for gold exploration.
- 資源地質学会の論文
資源地質学会 | 論文
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