Autologous blood transfusion system using cardiotomy reservoir BCR3538.
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In order to reduce the blood transfusion volume in open heart surgery, the new blood autotransfusion technique using cardiotomy reservoir unit BCR 3538, which was configured to serve also as a receptacle for postoperative mediastrinal drainage, was introduced. To investigate the utility and the problem in this system, every clotting factor, platelets' function and the extent of the hemolysis were measured serially both in patients' arterial blood and the shed mediastinal blood. The bank blood transfusion was significantly reduced to 250ml±330ml by this system compared to the 1080ml±820ml in the cases of usual system (p<0.01). Every clotting factor recovered well in patients' arterial blood after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). In the reservoir blood, the clotting factor IX, XI, XII were extremely suppressed at 1h CPB, and 3h after the CPB, every clotting factor except fibrinogen (42±28mg/dl) showed the quite higher activity, such as factor VIII 400%, IX 365%, XI 72%, XII 267%. Namely, the anticoagulability of the reservoir blood was maintained due to the effect of the residual heparin at 1h after the CPB, and due to the contact defibrinogation of the shed mediastinal blood at 3h after CPB. The free hemoglobin level was extremely high on the reservoir blood at 3h after CPB. In 6 cases, the autologous blood retransfusion was abandoned by clott formation in the unit because of the contamination of the intraoperatively used fibrin glue. From this study, the autologous blood transfusion using cardiotomy reservoir BCR 3538 was useful not only for saving the transfusion of the bank blood but also the hemostasis after CPB. But to reduce the hemolysis in this system, and to establish the safety against the other clotting material such as fibrin glue were the problems which should be resolved in future. I appreciate the kind support of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for this study.
- 特定非営利活動法人 日本心臓血管外科学会の論文
特定非営利活動法人 日本心臓血管外科学会 | 論文
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