脳腫瘍の電顕 -小脳芽腫を中心に-
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Medulloblastoma is defined as a malignant, invasive embryonal tumor of the cerebellum in children, predominantlyneuronal differentiation and inherent tendency to metastasize via CNS pathways. Cerebellar neuroblastoma,albeit very rare, is subclassifed in medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity and advanced neuronaldifferentiation. We have encountered these rare cerebellar neuroblastomas, many cases of which have been examinedultrastrlucturally for more than thirty years. Given hallmarks of neuronal differentiation is the presenceof developing axons and synapse devices, cerebellar neuroblastoma is very rare, and most cases are equivocalneuroblastoma or medulloblastoma. Glial differentiation is none or minimal. Central neurocytoma is a well definedtumor but it should be born in mind that this tumor contains immature neuronal cells, that is neuroblasts,and "some cases are called neurocytoma-neuroblastoma", I consider personally.
- 近畿脳腫瘍病理検討会の論文
近畿脳腫瘍病理検討会 | 論文
- 巨細胞性脳腫瘍における巨細胞についての形態学的解析
- 免疫組織学的、及びフローサイトメトリーによる再発髄膜腫の増殖能に関する研究
- 脳腫瘍に類似した非腫瘍性疾患の3例--定位的生検術を行った症例より
- 悪性グリオーマの標準治療と新しい治療
- 脳内出血で発症した転移性extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcomaの1例