Improvement of Electrical Properties of Human Phantom in Low-Frequency Band by Using Carbon Microcoil (特集 第21回MAGDAコンファレンス)
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Phantoms that mimic the electrical properties of the human body are widely used for the safety assessment of medical equipment, etc.Although a high hydrous gel phantom is useful in the high-frequency band, there is no phantom that can mimic the living human body in the low-frequency band. A living bodys relative permittivity cannot be acquired by adjustment of the quantity of material in a frequency band of 10 MHz or less. Therefore, a carbon microcoil (CMC) was added to the conventional phantom in this study, and the relative permittivity in the low-frequency band improved.
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- Improvement of Electrical Properties of Human Phantom in Low-Frequency Band by Using Carbon Microcoil (特集 第21回MAGDAコンファレンス)
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- Improvement of Electrical Properties of Human Phantom in Low-Frequency Band By Using Carbon Microcoil