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Fallopian tube torsion caused by a paraovarian or paratubal cyst during pregnancy is rare. A 30 year old woman (gravida 2, para 1) was referred to our hospital with acute-onset right abdominal pain and a coinciding cyst measuring 5cm detected by ultrasonography at 37 gestational weeks. <BR> Although ovarian torsion was suspected, her symptoms were mild, and in consideration of operative difficulty, we decided to postpone laparoscopic management until after delivery. At 38 gestational weeks, she delivered a male infant (2810g) after induction. Her symptoms continued and laparoscopic surgery was performed at 6 days after delivery, which revealed right fallopian tube torsion due to a paraovarian cyst. The right ovary was intact. The right fallopian tube and the paraovarian cyst was necrotized, adhered to the peripheral peritoneum, and was resected laparoscopically with relative ease. Her postoperative course was uneventful.
- 日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会の論文
日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会 | 論文
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