Needle-TLH さらなる細径化をめざした腹腔鏡手術
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Needle laparoscopy, or laparoscopy with reduced size instruments, has been recently introduced with the aim of minimizing the size of surgical scars. In needlescopic surgery, we generally use four 2-3 mm ports. Several reports have shown that needlescopic surgery is less painful than single port laparoscopy. Although needlescopic surgery requires special slender instruments, it is considered to be easier to introduce than single port laparoscopy because the instruments are used in the same manner as standard laparoscopic instruments. In regard to manipulation, it is easier to establish triangulation in the operation field because the configuration of the ports for needlescopic surgery is the same as that of conventional laparoscopic surgery. We successfully performed needlescopic total laparoscopic hysterectomy (needlescopic TLH) using a 3 mm diameter laparoscope, a 3 mm manipulation port, and a 2.4mm diameter forceps (Endo Relief<SUP>®</SUP>) via smaller ports. After appropriate training, needlescopic TLH can be performed safely as a less invasive alternative to standard laparoscopy. It provides an excellent cosmetic result.
- 日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会の論文
日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会 | 論文
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