A Novel Enhanced Green FluorescentProtein-Expressing NOG Mouse for Analyzingthe Microenvironment of Xenograft Tissues
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The interaction between transplanted cells and host tissues is important for the growth and maintenance of transplanted cells. To analyze the mechanisms of these interactions, a systemic fluorescent protein-expressing mouse is a useful recipient. In this study, we generated a novel NOG strain, which strongly expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP; PgkEGFP-NOG), especially in the liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, and testis. Because the host tissues expressed EGFP, xenotransplanted human cancer cells were clearly identified as EGFP-negative colonies in PgkEGFP-NOG mice. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that EGFP-expressing stromal tissues formed a complicated tumor microenvironment within xenograft tissues. Moreover, a similar microenvironment was observed in human iPS cell-derived teratomas. Collectively, these results indicated that a suitable microenvironment is essential for the growth and maintenance of xenotransplanted cells and that PgkEGFP-NOG mice represent a useful animal model for analyzing the mechanisms of microenvironment formation.
- Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Scienceの論文
Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science | 論文
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