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Bisphosphonates (BPs) have been widely, efficiently and safely used for the treatment of osteoporosis, malignant hypercalcemia, bone metastasis of solid cancers and multiple myeloma bone diseases. Accumulating recent reports describe that surgical dental treatments in patients with cancer or osteoporosis who have been receiving intravenous or oral BPs are associated with osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). The accurate incidence, clinical backgrounds and pathogenesis of BRONJ have been unclear and appropriate approaches for prevention and treatment have not been established to date. To address the current situation of BRONJ in Japan, the "Allied Task Force Committee of Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw" consisting of physicians specializing in bone biology, orthopedic surgery, rheumatology, obstetrics/gynecology and medical oncology and dentists specializing in oral surgery, periodontology, dental radiology and oral pathology was organized. The committee attempted to propose standard position paper for the treatment of BRONJ. The committee expects that this proposal will provide objective and correct scientific information on BRONJ and will serve as a reference for conducting dental procedures for patients receiving BPs and designing prevention and treatment of BRONJ. However, since this position paper is not based on direct clinical evidence, it should be used as a reference and a decision on treatment in each case should be made after an extensive discussion among physicians, dentists/oral surgeons and the patients.
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