An energy efficient clustering time synch algorithm for WSN in bridge health diagnosis system
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This paper describes a novel time synchronization algorithm for the WSN of bridge health diagnosis system. In previous work, we develop a time synchronization algorithm, named DMLTS [1], for this WSN. To reduce energy consumption, this time synchronization improves the time-synch phase of DMLTS and utilizes an improved energy feedback scheme to lengthen the lifetime of WSN and reduce synchronization error. Performance analyses, simulations and realization in node hardware of WSN are also presented. They proved that: this algorithm has a better synchronization error performance, can decrease overhead, consume less energy, and lengthen the lifetime of WSN.
Yamauchi Noriyoshi
Graduate School Of Information Production And Systems Waseda University
Xiao Haitao
Graduate School Of Information Production And Systems Waseda Univ.
Ogai Harutoshi
Graduate School Of Information Production And Systems Waseda Univ.
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