A Multi-operation Case of/in Loop e-PTFE Arterio-venous Graft
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Peri-graft seromas are complications that occur in loop e-PTFE arterio-venous graft. They are often difficult to treat and recurrence is common. Herein we describe a case of recurrent peri-graft seromas, and investigate the relationship between seroma and blood flow of graft. Seroma with venous hypertension occurred in several weeks after arterio-venous graft placement in the lower arm. The graft blood flow was 1500 ml–1700 ml/min. We performed several managements for the seroma, but finally withdrew the graft because of graft infection. After the control of infection, we created arterio-venous graft in the upper arm. But in several months seroma occurred on the artery side of the graft. In this time the graft flow was decrease from 2150 ml/min to 1290 ml/min. We replaced the artery side e-PTFE graft to polyurethane graft. Then no recurrence was noted after a 6-month follow-up period.
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- A Multi-operation Case of/in Loop e-PTFE Arterio-venous Graft
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