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We have evaluated variations in sensibility when we operate a radio-controlled toy car using controllers with variable level of tele-existence. We installed a wireless camera and a microphone on a radio-controlled toy car and developed two simple tele-existence controllers to operate the car. The operator can watch the scenery and hear the sound at the car either on a head-mount display (HMD) and a headphone set or on a large-size regular display and a speaker. Using controllers with those two tele-existence systems and without, we evaluated variations of psychological and sensibility conditions through several subjectivity evaluation experiments. First, we found that the level of feeling of force, reality and interest is higher with the case of simple tele-existence system using HMD than both the tele-existence system using the large-sized display and no tele-existence cases. Next, various sound effects such as the engine sound and music and vibration effects based on the engine sound were added to the tele-existence controllers and their effects were studied. The factor analysis of the data from the case with HMD resulted in the following five main factors: the impact factor, comfort factor, pleasure factor, good-feeling factor and tightening factor. The impact factor increased when both the sound effect such as the engine sound and music and vibration based on the engine sound are added. The good-feeling factor increased when operating the car while listening to music only. Finally, we found that the feelings of fear and of shock were generated when operators caused collisions while they drove the toy car using HMD. This suggests that the operation of a radio-controlled toy car with the simple tele-existence using HMD can induce a psychological state similar to that at the time of traffic accidents.