Construction of Time Sequential Relevance Model among Variable Groups:- As the Example of the Features of the Skin Images and the Evaluation Impressions When the Facial Packs Applied -
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We constructed a graphic model using structural equation modeling so as to study the relation among the variable groups with time sequence. The model was applied to a set of experimental data obtained facial packs to investigate the relation of the skin conditions and the impression questionnaire. The characteristic of this graphical model shows relationship among the variable groups which change with time. The model used the features of skin images as one of the variable group, and used the evaluation impressions as another variable group. The variable which was observed with the time elapse was linked with the directed path among the variable groups. The path coefficient between each observation point showed change of the strength of the relation between the serial variables of each variable group. Furthermore, the path coefficient showed that the strength of the relation between variable groups was different in each observation.
魚住 超
魚住 超
福多 賢太郎
大学共同利用機関法人情報・システム研究機構 国立遺伝学研究所生命情報研究センター
若槻 淳一朗
齋藤 隆晃
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