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This paper deals with the quenching problem of electromagnetic vibration of the motor using dynamic absorbers. The iron stator of motor is modeled by circular ring, and the two dynamic absorbers are installed on the outside of the circular ring. The solutions of forced vibration of the system are obtained by the theoretical analysis and the finite element analysis followed by the numerical simulation. Following was made clear from these analyses: (1) By installing two dynamic absorbers leaving an angle that is not equals to the one between any loops of the mode to be quenched, the amplitude of the iron stator becomes zero theoretically around the circumference of the circular ring, namely, the iron stator is perfectly quenched. (2) By installing two dynamic absorbers leaving an angle that is equals to the one between loop and node of the mode to be quenched, the quenched region near resonance frequency becomes the largest one. (3) In the frequency region that is higher than natural frequency, if manufacturing error is considered, the natural frequency of the dynamic absorbers must be a little higher than the frequency of electromagnetic force. (4) The results obtained by the theoretical analysis and those obtained by the finite element analysis followed by the numerical simulation were in good agreement qualitatively.
吉武 裕
原田 晃
山崎 豪
片原田 浩之
田中 秀樹
近藤 良平
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