A Proposal of Optimization Methodology on Manufacturing Scheduling and Its Application into Assembly Production Line in Semiconductor Manufacturing
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Generally semiconductor manufacturing consists of three consecutive stages. The first one is Wafer Process, which repeats several types of manufacturing process and the total number of the process step reaches several hundreds. The total number of process facilities is nearly 1,000 with several substitutive machines. Therefore it is very difficult to optimize the production schedule. And the second one is Assembly, which is not complicated comparing with Wafer Process, nevertheless, the machine operation is really peculiar. For example, set up time is much longer than processing time in most facilities. Finally the last one is Final Test, whose process frequently changes according to the product quality like production yield, and it is almost impossible to create the optimal production schedule. In our previous researches we applied the well-known cooperative scheduling method, Lagrangian Decomposition and Coordination method, into the actual scale Wafer Process model. Then we have verified that the proposed method can create feasible schedule effectively. In this paper we apply the proposed method into an actual Assembly production line. First we try to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method in the simple model without considering set up time. Then we evaluate the performance of the proposed method with more complicated model including set up time. Finally we try to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method by comparing with conventional dispatching rule and the feasibility with the improvement of a list scheduling algorithm.
藤井 信忠
神戸大学 大学院 システム情報学研究科
貝原 俊也
神戸大学 大学院システム情報学研究科
藤井 信忠
神戸大学 大学院システム情報学研究科
貝原 俊也
神戸大学 大学院 システム情報学研究科
黒瀬 伸二
神戸大学 大学院工学研究科
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