Effect of Vernalization and Natural Water Type on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth and Yield in a Controlled Environment Simulating Field Cultivation with Late-summer Sowing
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An alternative plant nutrition technique was investigated for wheat production with late-summer sowing. Distilled water (DS) for control, electrokinetic-treated water (EKTW), seaweed yeast extract water (SYE), and mineral spring water (SW) were tested for their physical and chemical properties. Each water type was used in the vernalization of wheat seeds and for once-weekly irrigation of wheat plants, which were grown in a phytotron that simulated field conditions with late-summer sowing. Wheat plants watered with SYE showed rapid leaf emergence, produced fewer tillers and attained their final height sooner than the treatments, indicating a shorter vegetative growth period. Plants treated with SYE water exhibited early heading and maturity, resulting in the shortest overall cultivation period. Thousand-grain weight was significantly higher in SYE-treated wheat (25.77 g) compared with the control (19.26 g). Wheat treated with EKTW produced the longest spikes and highest number of grains per spike. Thus, vernalization and irrigation with different natural waters influenced wheat growth and development, which are critical for the viability of late-summer sowing as an alternative wheat production technology. SYE and EKTW influenced the two most important criteria for absolute yield; the average weight and number of grains, respectively.
Ishikawa Katsumi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Mori Makito
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
MORI Makito
Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University
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- Effect of Vernalization and Natural Water Type on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth and Yield in a Controlled Environment Simulating Field Cultivation with Late-summer Sowing
- Effect of Vernalization and Natural Water Type on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth and Yield in a Controlled Environment Simulating Field Cultivation with Late-summer Sowing