- 論文の詳細を見る
This study addresses the potential for land use control of urban and rural areas through Green Structure Plans developed by municipal governments. First, the current conditions of parks and green open space's planning system in Tokyo were analyzed. The 130 systems based on municipal ordinance and its own guidelines related Green structure plans of 51 municipal governments in Tokyo were clarified from the viewpoint of feasibility. Second, the key goal indicators of 22 Green Structure Plans were classified and organized. Third, the 2 recent cases of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government were studied to consider the role of prefectural and city governments. As a result of these research, the following 3 points were suggested; 1) To ensure the feasibility of plans, municipal governments should use more variety kinds of tools, 2) The key goal indicators should be more carefully-crafted to evaluate each policies, 3) The important role of prefectural and city governments is to coordinate among municipal governments and support them by technically financially and systematically. Finally, the new relationship between Green structure plans and other plans was proposed to use Green structure plan effectively for land use control.
- 東京のグリーンベルト政策が残したもの (特集 1960年代の都市計画 再考)
- 神田川上流域における公園緑地施策の変遷に関する研究
- 都市拡張期における首都圏近郊地帯予定地内の緑地施策に関する研究 : 北多摩地域を対象として
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- 旧緑地地域における市街地整備事業の実施状況の違いが緑地形態に与えた影響に関する研究 (平成21年度日本造園学会全国大会研究発表論文集(27))
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- 地球環境時代の都市計画を考える : 都市×環境×モビリティ
- 『地球環境時代の都市計画』の編集にあたって
- 東京周辺区部における緑地施策の変遷と展開に関する研究
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- 特集「緑の都市計画」の編集にあたって
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- 東京のグリーンベルト政策が残したもの
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- 総合的な空間管理計画としての緑の基本計画の可能性に関する考察
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- 東京の都市計画における農地の位置づけについて (特集 都市・住宅と農地)