- 論文の詳細を見る
This study aimed at clarifying the position of scenic areas of Kumamoto city planning before WWII. This study got a clue about the position of scenic areas from its explanations. In explanations there are words as "to make park for Kumamoto citizen" and "suitable for suburban residential district". So this study start from the hypothesis that the scenic areas were the plan for whole of Kumamoto citizen, not the plan closed in its own areas. To clarify the position of, this study focused on the following three points; 1) how were expected the scenic areas when its plan was make. 2) how kind of relationship were there between the scenic areas and the other city planning projects, in the view of sites and the each project's aim. 3) how ware transformed the scenic areas and its periphery, peculiarly works for parks and land readjustment. Through the researches above, it can say that each city forming projects; street planning, the union of Kumamoto City and peripheral towns and land readjustments ware made under an idea that quality residential areas had better be built in scenic suburban area.
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