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Cation exchange resins (calcium polystyrene sulfonate, Ca-resin and sodium polystyrene sulfonate, Na-resin) have been used as agents to improve hyperkerlemia. For removing 137Cs from the human body, the adsorption ability of the resin for 137Cs was examined and evaluated. Resin (0.03 g) and 137Cs (ca.1 kBq) were introduced into 3 mL of water, the Japanese Pharmacopoeia 1st fluid for a dissolution test (pH 1.2) and 2nd fluid (pH 6.8), respectively, and shaken. After 1-3 hours, the 137Cs adsorption (%) of Na-resin was 99% in water, 60% in a pH 1.2 fluid and, 66% in a pH 6.8 fluid. By adding potassium, the 137Cs adsorption (%) of Ca-resin was reduced. However, the 137Cs adsorption (%) of Na-resin was almost unchanged. These results show that both resins have adsorption ability for 137Cs in the stomach and the intestines. Therefore, the proposed method will be an effective means in the case of a radiological emergency due to 137Cs.
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