Unsteady Dynamic Analyses of Free Surface and Under ground Fresh-Salt Interface by Means of Boundary Integral Equation Method and Their Applications to Field Problems
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The boundary integral equation method gives the efficiencies associated with the reduction of the dimensionality of a problem. This paper deals with the unsteady behavior of moving free surface and fresh-salt interface on the basis of the boundary integral equation method. The formulation and numerical discretization techniques for solving the dynamics of moving interface are explained, and theoretical results are compared with some experiments to examine the applicability of numerical computation. For the sake of practical use, two problems concerning an artificial land and rock cavern for stock piling are analized in coastal aquifers. As a result of serveral analyses, the applicability of boundary integral equation method for analyzing the moving interface as well as the characteristics of interface are confirmed.
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- Unsteady Dynamic Analyses of Free Surface and Under ground Fresh-Salt Interface by Means of Boundary Integral Equation Method and Their Applications to Field Problems