ccuracy of the Further examination in the mass screening for colorectal cancer:ollow up study by means of a record linkage with the Fukui Cancer Registry
- 福井県がん登録との照合による大腸集検後の精検の精度の検討
- 福井県における大腸集検後の精検法の推移と精検偽陰性例の検討
- 福井県における大腸集検の精検法の推移と精検偽陰性例の検討
- 大腸がん検診における中間期がん
- 大腸がん検診における予後不良例 - 大腸癌の発見経緯からみた検討 -
- 大腸集検における中間期癌-福井県がん登録との記録照合による検討-
- An evaluation of the further examination in the mass screening for colorectal cancer:Follow up study by means of a record linkage with the Fukui Cancer Registry
- ccuracy of the Further examination in the mass screening for colorectal cancer:ollow up study by means of a record linkage with the Fukui Cancer Registry
- Interval Cancers in Mass Screening for Colorectal Cancer:An Analysis by Means of a Record Linkage of Screening Record with the Fukui Cancer Registry
- Importance of Undergoing Close Examination in Colorectal Cancer Screening
- Subject age in colorectal cancer screening
- The transition and false negative cases in the further examination of colorectal mass survey in Fukui Prefecture