Preparation of Control Sera for Fractionation of Lipoproteins in Human Serum:Compamtive Study of Liquid Nitrogen Frozen and Wieland's Methods
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We prepared two control sera for lipoprotein fractionation testing. The first was frozen in liquid nitrogen and the other was lyophilized with high concentrations of sucrose (wieland's method). This paper presents the electrophoretic and ultracentrifugal characteristics of these two sera.<BR>1) The freezing temperature was critical in the liquid nitrogen method. In ser sera frozen at temperatures above-80°C, partial degradation of the lipoproteins was observed accompanied by a decrease in the pre-beta lipoprotein fraction and an increase in the beta lipoprotein fraction. Furthermore, parts of both fractions remained at the electrophoretic origin as an extra band.<BR>No changes in electrophoretic patterns were observed, even in sera with abnormal lipoproteins, except for lipoprotein X. Liquid nitrogen freezing kept serum lipoproteins stable for 12 months.<BR>2) Wieland's method required over 400mmol/l of sucrose to preserve the electrophoretic patterns of serum lipoproteins. Large quantities of lipoprotein X degraded and moved to the beta-lipoprotein fraction. Anyone who uses this must correct the concentrations of determinants by flame photometry.<BR>Moreover, sera prepared by this method were unsuitable for HDL-cholesterol measurement by the heparin-manganese method. Lypohilized sera were stable for 10 months at -4°C.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
塚本 秀子
入 久巳
加野 象次郎
慶応義塾大学医学部 中央臨床検査部
松本 宏治郎
等々力 徹
溝口 香代子
佐藤 純子
斉田 有子
松本 宏治郎
溝口 香代子
慶応義塾大学医学部附属病院 中央臨床検査部
入 久巳
塚本 秀子
加野 象次郎
加野 象次郎
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