Relationship between Acetate Metabolism and Glycolysis in Liver Slices of Normal, Starved and Alloxan Diabetic Sheep
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It was reported that glucose showed various effects on the acetate metabolism in sheep liver slices and these effects were changed by alloxan treatment. Presently a report was made of influences of glucose metabolites upon acetate metabolism in the liver slices of normal, starved and alloxan diabetic sheep.<BR>The results obtained were as follows. In normal and starved sheep, the addition of phosphoenolpyruvate accelerated the formation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and lipid fractions except NEFA, and inhibited the formation of glucose, ketone bodies and NEFA from acetate. In alloxan diabetic, the addition of phosphoenolpyruvate inhibited ketone bodies formation, but did not influence the formation of any other fractions from acetate. These effects of phosphoenolpyruvate were almost the same as in previous studies with glucose effects on the acetate metabolism. Furthermore, pyruvate and lactate did not affect the formation of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, glucose, ketone bodies nor lipids from acetate in the iiver slices of normal, starved and alloxan diabetic animais.<BR>From these results and those previously obtained it may be deduced that there was some relationship between the acetate metabolism and the glucose-phosphoenolpyruvate system, while pyruvate and lactate did not affect the acetate metabolism in sheep liver slices. It may be also suggested that insulin had some role in the action of the glucose-phospho-enolpyruvate system on the formation of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, glucose and lipids, but not the formation of Ketone bodies from acetate.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
川上 正澄
柳瀬 昌弘
瀬戸 勝男
佐久間 康夫
大塚 啓子
瀬戸 勝男
Black Afthur
大塚 啓子
佐久間 康夫
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