App ication of Chemiluminescence in Clinical Chemistry (Part 1) Quant tative Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide by Chemiluminescence Reaction with Luminol
- 論文の詳細を見る
Conditions for chemiluminescence reaction of luminol-K<SUB>3</SUB>Fe (CN) 6-hydrogen peroxide mixtures have been investigated using an ATP photometer.<BR>The following procedure for the measurement of hydrogen peroxide by luminol chemiluminescencence reaction was proposed.<BR>1) For the measurement of hydrogen peroxide in the range of concentrations between 4.4μmol/L and 88μmol/L: Mix 20μl of samples with 100μl of 0.01mmol/L luminol in a 0.1mol/L H<SUB>3</SUB>BO<SUB>3</SUB>·KOH solution (pH11.5). Immediatly after mixing, add 100μ/l of 2mmol/L K<SUB>3</SUB>Fe (CN) 6 to the mixture and stand for 15 sec. Then, measure integrated intensity of luminescence for 1min.<BR>2) For the measurement of hydrogen peroxide in the range of concentrations between 8.8μmol/L and 880μmol/L: Mix 20μl of samples with 100μl of 0.2mmol/L luminol in a 0.1 mol/L H<SUB>3</SUB>BO<SUB>3</SUB>·KOH solution (pH 11.5). Immediatly after mixing, add 100μl of 4mmol/L K<SUB>3</SUB>Fe (CN) 6 to the mixture and stand for 15sec. Then, measure integrated intensity of luminescence for 1min. Using these procedure, the error of measurement of hydrogen peroxide were within ±2%.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
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- App ication of Chemiluminescence in Clinical Chemistry (Part 1) Quant tative Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide by Chemiluminescence Reaction with Luminol
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