Fine structure and ecology of a diatom <I>Stephanodiscus vestibulis</I> Håk., E. C. Ther. & Stoermer:E. C. Ther. Stoermer
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Specimens collected from Sayama-ike (Sayama Pond: Osakasayama, Osaka, Japan; sediment core) and Naktong River (Kyongsang-Nando, Korea; plankton) were examined in detail by using scanning electron microscope, and identified as <I>Stephanodiscus vestibulis</I>. The species is characterized by a vestibule which is a small space at the outer opening of marginal fultoportula. In addition to the arch-like opening of vestibule reported in the original description, fan-shaped, and very narrow slit openings were observed. The number of cowlings of a central fultoportula is three according to the original description, however, some specimens possessed two cowlings were observed. In light microscopy, this species can be distinguished from similar species <I>Stephanodiscus minutullus</I> and <I>S. delicatus</I> by a somewhat large spot on the interfascicle near the valve margin, and not clearly observed marginal fultoportulae. It was recorded from eutrophic freshwaters of western North America, Japan and Korea.
- The Japanese Society of Diatomologyの論文
- 「生物学」リメディアル教育の効果
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- Fine structure and ecology of a diatom Stephanodiscus vestibulis Håk., E. C. Ther. & Stoermer:E. C. Ther. Stoermer
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