Problems associated with new standard method in gastric mass survey for regional population : -a questionnaire study-
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The purpose of this study was to assess the adaptability of new standard method in gastric cancer screening for regional population, particularly in older individuals. 833 subjects were experimentally examined with new standard method from April, 2003 to March, 2004. The questionnaire for new standard method (high density barium, the rolling and the head-down tilting) was distributed to all subjects and 640 (76.8%) of them completed and returned their forms. They consisted of 373 respondents under 70 years of age and 268 respondents of 70 years and upward. 318 (86%) of the respondents under 70 years of age reported the rolling to be ‘easy’ or ‘acceptable’, while 97 (36%) of the respondents of 70 years and upward replied the rolling ‘too hard’. In contrast, more than 90% of all respondents answered that the head-down tilting was ‘easy’ or ‘acceptable’. High density barium was acceptable for many respondents, while the aspiration rate (0.6%) of high density barium was remarkably higher than that (0.04%) of low density barium in conventional method for other regional population at same period. This result suggested that the prevention and the measures for aspiration of barium were necessary in new standard method with high density barium.
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