The Problems and Findings of Gastroenterological Screening in Complete Physical Examination for Advanced-Age People.
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In order to identify various existing problems associated with the gastroenterological examinations of advanced-age people and to establish the direction of future establishment of gastroenterological examinations, we have conducted a comparative study on the screening results obtained through a one-day complete physical examination of 100, 199 people, who have been subjected to gastroenterological screening at Kagoshima-ken Kohseiren Medical Health Care Center during the past 10 years. We have studied the results of the screening, comparing those of the advanced-age group (according to our definition, people 70 years of age and older) with those of the control group of juvenile- and middle-aged subjects. The advanced-age group constituted 5.1% of the subjects screened. The screening procedures consisted of gastrofluororadiography, immunochemical tests for occult blood in feces, and abdominal ultrasonography.<BR>Our study has shown the following results:<BR>(1) Screening: It took a longer time to apply gastrofluororadiography to advanced-age subjects, thus resulting in a less and less efficient performance of screening with advancing age. No particular problems were observed during intestinal screening. However, there was a noticeable tendency toward insufficient imaging quality in numerous cases of ultrasonography.<BR>(2) Thorough examination: Detailed examination of the stomach did not yield any particular findings. There were many advanced-age subjects on whom total colonoscopy was impossible to perform. Regarding ultrasonography, its accuracy in thorough examinations is still subject to significant doubts.<BR>However, despite such problems and difficulties, the effectiveness of gastroenterological screenings has improved over time.<BR>In conclusion, we will positively promote the application of gastroenterological examinations to advanced-age people, with full concern for their comfort, and will seek to improve our skills in this regard.
- 一般社団法人 日本消化器がん検診学会の論文
草野 健
三重 浩子
塗木 冬実
竹元 千代美
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