Automated Determination of Glycosylated Hemoglobin and its Clinical Use
- 論文の詳細を見る
For the determination of glycosylated hemoglobin, we studied a spectrophotometric "Automated-procedure" by using phytic acid. Then, the above procedure was compared with an isoelectric focusing method, a mini-column method and an electrophoretic method.<BR>As anti-coagulants in this procedure, EDTA-2Na and EDTA-2K were used for the determination of hemoglobin A<SUB>1</SUB> concentration but not heparin sodium salt, sodium fluoride, sodium citrate nor potassium oxalate. Variations of intra-assay were good (CV=1.96-2.68%). Variations of inter assay were suitable (CV=5.34-6.34%). The correlation between phytic acid method and the other three methods were shown on the following lines (a, b, c),<BR> (a) isoelectric focusing method (r=0.934, y=1.07X+1.32),<BR> (b) mini-column method (r=0.918, y=1.00X+0.29),<BR> (c) electrophoretic method (r=0.970, y=0.87X-0.41).<BR>Comparison of glycosylated hemoglobin values in normal subjects and diabetics were reviewed as follows;<BR> (a) isolelectric focusing method: normal subjects: 5.04±0.75%HbA<SUB>1</SUB>C (mean±SD), n=34 diabetics: 8.81±2.37%HbA<SUB>1</SUB>C, n=53<BR> (b) mini-column method: normal subjects: 6.54±0.93%HbA<SUB>1</SUB>, n=89 diabetics: 10.28±2.52%HbA<SUB>1</SUB>, n=160<BR> (c) electrophoretic method: normal subjects: 7.33±0.80%HbA<SUB>1</SUB>, n=37 diabetics: 12.24±3.49%HbA<SUB>1</SUB>, n=36<BR> (d) phytic acid method: normal subjects: 6.37±1.03%HbA<SUB>1</SUB>, n=74 diabetics: 10.76±2.58%HbA<SUB>1</SUB>, n=160 ("n" indicates the number of subjects)<BR>The concentrations of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA<SUB>1</SUB>) by phytic acid method were compared in well controlled, moderately controlled and poorly controlled diabetics. The significant differences (p<0.001) were observed between the poorly controlled (12.26±2.09%) and moderately controlled diabetics (9.69±1.90%) or poorly controlled and well controlled diabetics (9.02±1.65%).<BR>The above findings suggest that this "phytic acid method" is suitable for the routine use of the determination of hemoglobin A<SUB>1</SUB> values in clinical laboratories.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
鉄谷 多美子
荻野 廣太郎
伊藤 浩一
徳野 桂子
見谷 君子
見谷 君子
村田 健二郎
村田 健二郎
田中 ひろ枝
渡辺 智恵美
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