Clinical Application of Glucosylated Plasma Protein for an Index of Diabetic Control
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Nonezymatic glucosylation of plasma protein was determined with tiobarbituric acid (Fluckiger and Winterhalter). Plasma glucose should be removed out for avoiding cross-reaction with the thiobarbituric acid. Glucose-free plasma was hydrolyzed after 4.5 hour-boiling and deproteinzed with 40% trichloracetic acid. Supernatant was incubated with 0.05 M thiobarbituric acid at 40° for 40 min. The reaction product was absorbed at 443nm with a spectrophotometer. Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) was used as a standard and glucosylated plasma protein was expressed as nmol HMF/mg protein. Plasma protein was measured with the method of protein dye binding (Bradford). Glucosylated hemoglobin (HbA<SUB>1</SUB>) was determined with agar gel electrophoresis (Lionel).<BR>In 83 diabetic patients newly diagnosed glucosylated plasma protein was 1.58±0.5nmol HMF/mg protein which was significantly higher than that in healthy subjects or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> in diabetic patients was 10.86±2.4%. There is significant correlation between Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> and fasting blood glucose or Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> and 2 hour-blood glucose during 75 g GTT.<BR>In 96 diabetic patients having been treated with sulphonylurea or insulin the average value of blood glucose measured frequently at the past three months was significantly correlated with Hb A1 (r=0.77, P<0.001).<BR>Glucosylated plasma protein also was significantly correlated with the average value of blood glucose measured at the past three months in the diabetic patients (r=0.45, P<0.05). Because a turnover of plasma protein is shorter than the life span of blood red cells, the past three monthaverage value of blood glucose is correlated more tightly with Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> than glucosylated plasma protein.<BR>Blood red cells of healthy subjects were washed by physiological saline, and glucose solution was added to them at each concentration of glucose, 100, 300 and 500mg/100ml. The mixture was incubated at 37° and glucosylation of hemoglobin began 24 hours after the incubation with glucose as well as glucosylation of protein.<BR>In 13 diabetic patients blood glucose, Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> and glucosylated plasma protein were determined every week for 4 weeks after the beginning of treatment. At 4 weeks the blood glucose decreased by 48% but Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> and glucosylated plasma protein slightly decreased by 18% and 29%, respectively. Improvement of Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> is very slow as compared with blood glucose.<BR>The measurement of Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> is very useful for evaluation of diabetic control. However, in anemia and abnormal hemoglobinemia such as thalassemia, Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> value is erroneous. On the other hand glucosylated plasma protein reflects on the condition of diabetes at the past 1 or 2 weeks. When the glucosylated plasma protein is measured with thiobarbituric acid, because TBA reacts to glucose, it is necessary to exclude glucose from plasma with dialysis.<BR>Based on our findings we suggest that Hb A<SUB>1</SUB> or glucosylated plasma protein should be measured monthly at least. Glucosylated plasma protein may be an adequate index of diabetic control as well as Hb A<SUB>1</SUB>. Any increase in glucosylated plasma protein may indicate impairment of diabetic control. Further study is necessary to prove the worth of detecting early diabetic microangiopathy by measurement of glucosylated protein.
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