Determination of Guanidino Compounds by High-Speed Liquid Chromatography and its Clinical Significance
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A sensitive method for the quantitative determination of all guanidino compounds in human plasma, blood cell and tissue, including basic compounds such as methylguanidine, was developed by the adaptation of the automatic amino acid analyzer JLC-6AH (JEOL). Automatic quantitative determination of the guanidino compounds was performed with 9, 10-phenanthrenequinone, a specific reagent for the guanidino group. With this method, the detection of the 2ng/ml of guanidino succinic acid and 5ng/ml of methylguanidine can be possible.<BR>The measurement of the tissue concentration of guanidino compounds revealed that guanidinosuccinic acid could be synthesized in the normal human liver, data of which abnormally increased in acute and chronic renal failure. Guanidinoacetic acid present in the normal kidney, we disclosed that it decreased in accordance with deterioration of renal failure. Methylguanidine developed especially in renal failure, and its tissue accumulation was proved in our study.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
久城 英人
児玉 順三
佐谷 誠
児玉 順三
木村 玄次郎
入江 章子
林 長蔵
葛野 公明
粉川 みずほ
児玉 順三
林 長蔵
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