Effect of Synthetic LH-Releasing Hormone on Gonadotropin Secretion in Normal Subjects and Hypothalamo-Pituitary Disorders
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The effects of synthetic LH-RH were studied on serum radioimmunoassayable LH and FSH levels in 38 normal subjects (20 males, 11 females with menstruation, 7 postmenopausal women) and patients with isolated gonadotropin deficiency as well as various hypothalamo-pituitary disorders). The maximum response of LH was observed in 30 minutes after administration of 100μg synthetic LH-RH in both of the males and females, but in 60 minutes in the postmenopausal women.<BR>The maximum response of FSH was observed in 60 minutes after LH-RH administration in all the subjects.<BR>Synthetic LH-RH had no effects on serum GH, TSH and cortisol levels. The effects of LH-RH were definitly suppressed by preadministration of estrogen and testosterone. The ratio of FSH and LH (F/L ratio) were greatly decreased after administration of LH-RH in both males and females, but the F/L ratio was slightly decreased in the postmenopausal women.<BR>No difference was seen in change of F/L ratio between the follicular phase and the luteal phase. All of three patients with chromophobe adenoma had a normal or slightly below normal response to LH-RH, while all patients with solid type of craniopharyngioma showed no or a very low response.<BR>A patient with Sheehan's syndrome showed a small but significant response, while 2 patients with FrOhlich's syndrome showed no response.<BR>A patient with Laurence-Moon-Biedle's syndrome and a case of isolated gonadotropin deficiency had a normal response and below normal response, respectively.<BR>Thus it was demonstrated that there is a case of isolated gonadotropin deficiency which respond to LH-RH.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
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