Polymorphonuclear leukocytes - mediated cytotoxic reaction for cultured fibroblast (<SUB>3</SUB>T<SUB>3</SUB>) in patients with gout
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We investigated cytotoxic activity against cultured fibroblast (<SUB>3</SUB>T<SUB>3</SUB>) by peripheral polymorphonuclear leuKocytes (PMNs) stimulated by opsonized zymosan in gouty patients. The reaction mixture consisted of peripheral PMNs,<SUP>51</SUP>Cr - labeled <SUB>3</SUB>T<SUB>3</SUB> and opsonized zymosan. Cytotoxic reaction was evaluated by measuring <SUP>51</SUP>Cr release into supernatant from target cells. The release of <SUP>51</SUP>Cr from <SUB>3</SUB>T<SUB>3</SUB> cells incubated with opsonized zymosan-stimulated PMNs from gouts patients was greatly elevated compared with normal individuals. The elevated <SUP>51</SUP>Cr release in gouty patients with acute attacks was greater than that from patients without acute attacks. The presence of superoxide dismutase during the incubation of the mixture revealed a dose- dependent decrease of <SUP>51</SUP>Cr release. PMNs from gouty patients with acute attacks, when administered colchicine, also showed low level of <SUP>51</SUP>Cr release. These results suggested that tissue damage observed in gouty patients is partially due to excessive production of active oxygens by PMNs.
丹羽 滋郎
三井 忠夫
愛知医科大学 痛風・リウマチ科
山本 正彦
丹羽 滋郎
松本 美富士
名古屋市立大学 輸血
菅原 譲
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