Two Teenage Cases of Lung Cancer
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Background. Young adults, specially resected lung cancer patients aged under 20, are extremely rare. Case 1. A 16-year-old girl complaining of cough and chest pain was referred to our hospital for further examination due to an abnormal shadow on X-ray film in September, 1998. Chest CT revealed a mass in the lower lobe of the right lung and enlarged hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes. Bronchoscopy revealed a mass in right B8 and B9+10 and a diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma was made by bronchial biopsy. We diagnosed lung cancer with no distant metastasis and right middle and lower lobectomy with lymph node dissection was performed. Postoperative diagnosis was poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with mediastinal lymph node metastasis (T2N2M0 stage IIIA). Adjuvant chemotherapy was performed 21 days after operation. Case 2. A 14-year-old boy was hospitalized for pneumonia and a ground-glass opacity was pointed out on his chest CT in September, 2011. Since there was no change on follow up and we performed surgery. A diagnosis of adenocarcinoma was made by intraoperative pathological study and we performed right lower lobectomy with lymph node dissection. The postoperative diagnosis was bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. Conclusion. We should consider the possibility of lung cancer even in young adults, even those aged under 20.
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- Two Teenage Cases of Lung Cancer