An Analysis of Current Mountainous Villages at Present and Challenge of Revitalization of Mountainous Area:;Mainly Focused on Local Government in Marginal Area
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In this paper, we reviewed following three points. The first is the gaps between big city governments where their populations are highly concentrated and small sized mountain local governments where their population are decreasing sharply. We used three indices for investigating those gaps, the ratio of increase or decrease of population, the size of population, and ratio of aged population. Our main concern is small mountainous areas. The second point is the investigating the process of changes of villages in marginal areas. We showed the process of small villages into the marginal ones by using gap analysis. Then, we discussed about the problems and difficulties through the case study of Ohtoyo - Cho Town in Kochi Prefecture. The third point is showing perspectives of the way how those villages in marginal areas and following small mountainous villages can be revitalized. By considering those three points, l tried to present feasible measures to revitalize small villages in marginal areas for building societies that human beings and natures can live together.
- 日本村落研究学会の論文
日本村落研究学会 | 論文
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