Current Status and Strategies for Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents
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A new concept and definition for metabolic syndrome pronounced in 2005 in Japan elucidated the importance of abdominal obesity and insulin resistance. Until then, treatment and research for obesity might be a minor and an unsolved field in both internal medicine and pediatrics. Especially in pediatrics, we were educated and we also sent messages based on personal experience and/or information because of the paucity of evidence. Are the following messages true for recent Japanese children and adolescents?<BR> 1. Childhood and adolescent obesity has been increasing.<BR> 2. Childhood obesity will disappear after entering school.<BR> 3. Do not worry about mild obesity.<BR> 4. Childhood obesity is mainly associated with maternal obesity.<BR> 5. There is no concern about metabolic syndrome in pediatrics.<BR> 6. It is difficult to treat obesity in both the adult and pediatric population.<BR>The author presents the current status and strategies for obesity and metabolic syndrome based on the recently obtained evidences in pediatric population.
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