Imaging of Hair Damage Structure Using X-Ray Micro-Tomography
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Observation of the three-dimensional structure of human hair has been carried out with an X-ray micro-tomography system. By applying an edge-enhanced refraction contrast method, the three-dimensional detailed microstructure of hair can be observed without any preceding sample processing. It is found that micrometer-scale void-like structures in the cortex are induced by permanent waving treatments. This change in cortex microstructures seems to indicate a new aspect of hair damage, and thus the X-ray micro-tomography with edge-enhanced refraction contrast method will be a useful tool for hair research.
鈴木 芳生
竹内 晃久
井上 敬文
株式会社カネボウ化粧品 価値創成研究所
竹原 孝二
株式会社カネボウ化粧品 スキンケア研究所
上杉 健太朗
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- Imaging of Hair Damage Structure Using X-Ray Micro-Tomography