Cognitive Study on Expertizing of Ship Engineers
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With adequate and detailed information, a large plant operator can generally maintain a plant's good working condition. A ship engineer has the same work as a plant operator except that self-sufficiency at sea is a requirement for ship engineers. On the basis of the cognitive process of human activities, Rasmussen proposed three different modes which are the knowledge-based mode, the rule-based mode, and the skill-based mode. One important but complex feature is to understand how to do the plant operator shift between each mode. In this paper, we focus on the proficiency training of ship engineers. Some experiments were carried out on the training ship of the National Institute for Sea Training, Japan. Firstly, some experts (licensed marine engineers) were asked to operate the valve of a centrifugal pump. Their eye motions and the operating conditions were captured on videotape. Simultaneously, the experts' comments and explanations regarding the main points to be aware of were also recorded. Secondly, we divided the cadets into two groups. One group watched the video and listened to a typical explanation of handling the valve of a centrifugal pump. On the other hand, the other group watched the video and listened to the explanations of the experts in addition to the usual explanation. We compared the results of the two groups and found out some advantages of the second method in which the detailed explanations of the experts were added. Furthermore, the effect of role-playing on training between the two groups playing the role of "Instructor" and "Operator" was also compared.
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